"A truly amazing experience in a truly amazing book. Not only do we hear what it is like to be a nurse but we can almost feel what the person has been through as we glimpse at the shoes that take them on their daily rounds. No other nursing-related book provides such a visceral experience."
— Allen Klein, Author of The Healing Power of Humor and The Courage to Laugh

"Caring, the essence of nursing is celebrated in this collection of the experiences of the unsung heroes of health care. The powerful impact of the blending of physical and social sciences with compassion and commitment is vividly demonstrated by 'walking in the shoes' of nurses as they silently make a profound difference in the lives they touch every day."
— Judith Lloyd Storfjell, PhD, RN, FAAN, Professor & Associate Dean, Executive Director, Institute for Healthcare Innovation College of Nursing, University of Illinois at Chicago

"To walk in the shoes of a nurse, as this wonderful and inspiring book invites us, is to take an intimate journey into the mysteries of life."
— Paul Costello, Author of The Presidential Plot: A Narrative Analysis of the 2008 Presidential Election, Founding Director of the Center for Narrative Studies, Washington DC, and Director of the Narrative Project at the Center for the Study of Values and Culture, Catholic University of America.

"These shoes and the stories of their owners help us…find a way into the hidden and forgotten stories of nursing and why it matters. The telling of these stories will help nurses value themselves and each other more and will reaffirm for us that we are privileged to be served by them."
— Victoria Ward, Founder and Partner, Sparknow

"These stories reaffirm the work of nurses, create self esteem for the worth of the work nurses do, and most nurses will come to the realization that they perform heroic acts when they care for patients. These stories of today will become the history of tomorrow and the wisdom for the future."
— Carolyn Hope Smeltzer, RN, EdD, FAAN, Editor/Author with Frances R. Vlasses, RN, PhD of Ordinary People, Extraordinary Lives: The Stories of Nurses, and Chicago's Nurse Parade. Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers, and Board Member, Advocate Health Care, Illinois, the Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth Health System, Kansas, and Council of Regents Loyola University Chicago.

"Everyone will love the different personalities and variety of stories in this book whether they are healthcare professionals or not. And if you ever are looking for a great gift for a nurse, this is it. Don't put off reading this - it will give you a whole new appreciation for a wonderful, humble, heroic group of people - nurses."
— Rita Emmett, Author of The Procrastinator's Handbook, Manage Your Time to Reduce Your Stress: A Handbook for the Overworked, Overscheduled, and Overwhelmed, and The Clutter-Busting Handbook

"Heroic Acts in Humble Shoes is the apt title for this collection of powerful stories. Unlike statistics, stories are about sharing lived experience; they not only stimulate their audience intellectually but also touch their hearts. This opens up the possibility for a different quality of conversation with much deeper engagement between stakeholders - which in turn makes it more likely for genuine, positive change to happen."
— Christopher Heimann, Improvisation teacher at Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts,
London Communications Consultant

"It can be used as a springboard for discussion about the future of nursing and the future of healthcare in this country. This is a wonderful book with stories of trials and tribulations, joy and happiness, and sometimes controversial dialogue. There is a story for every reader.”
— Vicki Ann Moss, DNSc, MS, BSN, RN, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, Doody Enterprises, Inc.

"Stories throughout the book illuminate the day-to-day rewards that are enough to keep nurses going. This book is empowering and humbling, touching and adamant. The book is a synopsis of nursing today. Nurses, nurses' family members, and patients will be able to relate to it. It is always interesting to learn other nurses' stories."
— Donna Castelluccio, RN, AD, BS, MSN, CNOR, OR Educator, Danbury Hospital, Danbury, CT, AORN Journal

What a wonderful opportunity for me to reaffirm why I love being a nurse. Since sharing my story with you, I’m enjoying working with my patients that much more.
–Chris T., RN

I found the exhibit very uplifting. It made me proud to be a nurse.
– Chris O’B., RN

You have touched the essence of nursing – with dignity and humor. Although always proud to be a nurse, your work allows me to stand a little taller. Thank you for communicating so well the honor or nursing.
– Judy P., RN

I am in awe of nurses and nursing after seeing this exhibit. I wish I could box it up and take it home so that I could open it up and look at it on the days that discourage me. It reminds me what a fine profession I’ve chosen.
– Carol L., RN

You were a joy and inspiration for the staff who met with you. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
- Shawn T., RN

This was terrific. I laughed and cried. It all touched my heart!
- Mary T., RN